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Our Classes
Maine Driving Dynamics
with Chantel Plumer

Maine Driving Dynamics is a driver improvement course designed to enhance a student's defensive driving awareness. This five-hour session includes discussion of collision avoidance techniques, safety issues, driver habits, attitudes, and the basic elements that constantly challenge drivers on Maine's highways.
How To Grow Microgreens
with Chris Conlogue

Come join the fun with Chris, a UMaine Cooperative Extension Master Gardener. Imagine having delicious greens all winter long. In this interactive class you will learn how to grow a variety of microgreens to enjoy 14 to 21 days after planting, as well as easy steps for a continuous supply of healthy organic greens. All supplies included in class fee.
Will run
Personal Cyber Security
with Greg Yates

Discuss the various concepts of cyber security and how it relates to ensuring security of personal information, finances, and property. Topics will include: types of security threats, anti-virus and firewall products, securing operating systems, applications, and accounts, securing networks and VPN products, local network integrated physical security devices. Classroom computers are provided in the classroom, but participants may choose to bring their own laptop, devices (with Excel 2013 or newer installed).
Landlord-Tenant Relations
with Lynn Ward

Experience a brief overview of the law for new or prospective landlords. Among the topics covered will be a landlord's legal rights and responsibilities, a tenant's legal rights and responsibilities, evictions, fair housing, leases, tenancies at-will, and other legal issues commonly faced by landlords. The course will be taught by Lynn Ward of Pine Tree Legal Assistance and Mitchel Roberge of the Peters & Roberge, P.A. Law Office. Both attorneys practice in Lewiston.
Will run
Best Clothing & Makeup Colors For You
with Candace Sanborn

Is your closet full of black clothing? Would you like to learn what other colors look good on you? In this fun interactive class, you'll be draped in a variety of colors to learn about warmer and cooler tones, and determine which colors look best on you. You'll also receive recommendations for eye shadows, blush and lipsticks, along with sunglasses colors and jewelry metals to flatter your coloring!!
A Nature Walk At Thorncrag
with Jeri Maurer

Walk on several trails at Thorncrag Nature Sanctuary and learn about its fauna and flora. Attendees should be able to walk for a mile with some of it being uphill. Dogs are not allowed. Rain date is May 20th.
Basics of Wills & Estate Planning
with Mitchel Roberge, Esq.

This class offers a basic walkthrough of estate planning options, including the basics of wills, trusts, the probate process, and basic MaineCare procedures for nursing home care.
Ancestry Tracing
with Greg Yates

We’ll get you started and provide insights to accelerate your project, and explore all the resources and methodologies used by the experts to develop a clear and lasting record of your family’s roots. Ancestry Software needed: or,15-day free trial.