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Our Classes
Landlord-Tenant Relations
with Lynn Ward

Experience a brief overview of the law for new or prospective landlords. Among the topics covered will be a landlord's legal rights and responsibilities, a tenant's legal rights and responsibilities, evictions, fair housing, leases, tenancies at-will, and other legal issues commonly faced by landlords. The course will be taught by Lynn Ward of Pine Tree Legal Assistance and Mitchel Roberge of the Peters & Roberge, P.A. Law Office. Both attorneys practice in Lewiston.
Best Clothing & Makeup Colors For You
with Candace Sanborn

Is your closet full of black clothing? Would you like to learn what other colors look good on you? In this fun interactive class, you'll be draped in a variety of colors to learn about warmer and cooler tones, and determine which colors look best on you. You'll also receive recommendations for eye shadows, blush and lipsticks, along with sunglasses colors and jewelry metals to flatter your coloring!!
A Nature Walk At Thorncrag
with Jeri Maurer

Walk on several trails at Thorncrag Nature Sanctuary and learn about its fauna and flora. Attendees should be able to walk for a mile with some of it being uphill. Dogs are not allowed. Rain date is May 20th.
Basics of Wills & Estate Planning
with Mitchel Roberge, Esq.

This class offers a basic walkthrough of estate planning options, including the basics of wills, trusts, the probate process, and basic MaineCare procedures for nursing home care.
Ancestry Tracing
with Greg Yates

We’ll get you started and provide insights to accelerate your project, and explore all the resources and methodologies used by the experts to develop a clear and lasting record of your family’s roots. Ancestry Software needed: or,15-day free trial.
Medicare - B
with Brandi Connor-Vargeson

With many Medicare plan options available, it can be difficult to know the best choices for your health needs. Navigate the different options, coverage costs, enrollment periods, and resources available to Medicare beneficiaries.
Social Security Maximization - C
with Craig Dickson

Maximize your social security benefits by learning when and how to file. Learn about your IRA, Full Retirement Age (FRA) and how your birthdate impacts payouts. Discover how working while collecting Social Security can reduce benefits. Divorcees, widows, and widowers can also find out if they are entitled to benefits based on a former spouse.